I come from a place in the south of France where there are a few small spirulina farms so I always look for the taste that will bring me back.This one brought back all the memories from home in one spoon full. I love it in my strawberry yogurt, one tsp. Stirred well, it can cling to the spoon a very little but I want it to. Don’t judge until you try. I use a tiny amount in guacamole because it has both a mineral and a comforting nutty taste that makes the avocado and lemon pop. Smoothies obviously. It’s best with foods that are cold so, add it in before you serve. It goes well with all the different milks, and goes great with dairy of all kinds. Also, vinaigrettes on seafood or chicken salads. Go nuts, unless you heat it up you can’t go wrong. Speaking of, it’s yum in nut mix, sweet or not.